
Entotic cell death is a form of programmed cell "cannibalism", which refers to one cell engulfing and killing another cell. Creative Bioarray can provide accurate and convenient entotic cell death assays to help your research.


Entosis is a mechanism of cell competition occurring in cancers that involves the engulfment and killing of neighboring cells. The death of ingested cells, called entotic cell death, usually occurs in a non-apoptotic, autophagy protein-dependent manner, where microtubule-associated protein light chain 3 (LC3) is lipidated onto entotic vacuoles.

  • Cell adhesion and cytoskeletal rearrangement pathways (such as actin, myosin, RHOA and ROCK) play an important role in controlling entosis induction.
  • In addition to cell adhesion and cytoskeleton rearrangement pathways, other signaling molecules and regulatory factors (such as CDC42) also participate in the regulation of entosis through different mechanisms.

Mechanisms of entosis and entotic cell death. Figure1. Mechanisms of entosis and entotic cell death. (Shefali Krishna, etal.2006)

Our Services

Multiple mechanisms have emerged where the engulfment of whole live cells, leading to the formation of cell-in-cell structures, induces cell death. Entosis is one such mechanism that drives cell-in-cell formation during carcinogenesis and development. Our services include but are not limited to:

Entotic Cell Death Assays

To distinguish between apoptotic and entotic cell death, Creative Bioarray can analyze movies for changes in cell and nuclear morphology in the DIC and fluorescent channels, respectively.

Monitoring acidification of the vacuoles that contain internalized cells can be used as a marker for entotic cell death. Acidification can be monitored by adding LysoTracker fluorescent dyes to the medium during time-lapse analysis; acidification of the entotic vacuole results in an increased and diffuse LysoTracker staining within internalized cells. Similarly, time-lapse imaging of fluorescently tagged lysosomal proteins expressed in host cells can be used as an indicator of lysosome fusion to the entotic vacuole, which is known to cause cell death.

Experiment Process

Experiment Process

Customer Notice

Customers provide

  • Samples
  • Related background materials
  • Test purposeand requirements

We deliver

  • High-quality test reagents
  • Experiment process and records
  • Photos and relevant analysis data
  • Complete experiment report

Experiment cycle

The time depends on the experiment content

Advantages of Our Services

  • One-stop technical service

    We provide one-stop services such as cell culture, cell staining and photo taking.

  • High standard

    The experimenters have many years of successful experiment experience and can guarantee the standard of experiment operation and experiment process.

  • Short time and low cost

    We provide customers with the most comprehensive services at the most favorable price and help customers improve the efficiency of research.

  • Safety

    All experiments have signed confidentiality agreements, focusing on protecting customer privacy.

If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Krishna S, Overholtzer M. Mechanisms and consequences of entosis. Cellular and molecular life sciences. 2016;73(11-12):2379-2386.
* For scientific research only

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