
Calcium Flux & β-Arrestin Recruitment Assay

Drug screening for Parkinson's Disease (PD) often involves testing compounds for their potential to modulate key cellular processes associated with the disease. Calcium signaling and β-arrestin mobilization are two important cellular events that can be targeted in drug discovery efforts for PD. Calcium signaling plays a critical role in neuronal function and is disrupted in neurodegenerative diseases like PD. β-arrestins are proteins that play a role in regulating G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling, which is implicated in various cellular processes including dopaminergic signaling.

By targeting calcium signaling and β-arrestin mobilization, Creative Bioarray aims to identify compounds that can modulate key cellular processes associated with PD, potentially leading to the development of novel therapeutic interventions for the disease.

Evaluation of Calcium Flux & β-Arrestin Recruitment

  • Cell Line for Calcium Flux & β-Arrestin Recruitment Assay
    Human ADRA1A Stable Cell Line - HEK293 (Calciumgreen & β-Arrestinred Biosensors)
    Human ADRA1B Stable Cell Line - HEK293 (Calciumgreen & β-Arrestinred Biosensors)
    Human CCKBR Stable Cell Line - U2OS (Calciumgreen & β-Arrestinred Biosensors)
  • Image Analysis - Cellular Fluorescence
  • Dose Response - Determination of EC50 Value
* For scientific research only

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