
The Boyden Chamber assay stands out as the most widely accepted technique for cell migration. This classic transwell migration detection system features a hollow plastic chamber sealed at one end with a porous membrane. Suspended over a larger well, this chamber may contain medium and/or chemoattractants. Cells placed inside the chamber are permitted to migrate through the pores to the opposite side of the membrane. Subsequently, migratory cells are stained and quantified. Transwell migration assays prove invaluable for assessing the directional responsiveness of individual cells to various chemo-attractants, whether they be chemokines or growth factors. Furthermore, these assays are instrumental in the identification and characterization of key regulatory factors influencing cell migration.

Schematic diagram of cell transwell migration assay.Figure 1. Schematic diagram of cell transwell migration assay.

Creative Biarray's transwell migration assay offers an innovative and effective solution for studying cancer cell invasion in vitro.

Study Examples:

Schematic diagram of cell transwell migration assay.Figure 2. Transwell cell migration assay. [2]


1. Huang W, Wu Y, Cheng D, He Z. Mechanism of epithelial-mesenchymal transition inhibited by miR‑203 in non‑small cell lung cancer. Oncol Rep. 2020;43(2):437-446. doi:10.3892/or.2019.7433

* For scientific research only

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