

Inflammation plays a crucial role in defending and healing the body, but it is crucial to acknowledge that uncontrolled or chronic inflammation can result in tissue damage and contribute to numerous diseases. The cellular model of inflammation provides insights into the intricate processes that occur during an immune response and how they contribute to the body's overall defense and recovery mechanisms.

Overview of cause and consequence of acute and chronic inflammation. Acute inflammation is induced in response to external factors. Persisting inflammatory responses become chronic events that are associated with numerous pathologies.Figure 1. Overview of cause and consequence of acute and chronic inflammation. Acute inflammation is induced in response to external factors. Persisting inflammatory responses become chronic events that are associated with numerous pathologies. [1]

Creative Bioarray has extensive expertise in the development of highly optimized in vitro cell assays for the quantitative measurement of a wide array of inflammatory responses.



1. Fernandes, Eduardo Felipe Alves, and Dennis Özcelik. "Imaging Biomarkers for Monitoring the Inflammatory Redox Landscape in the Brain." Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 10,4 528. 28 Mar. 2021, doi:10.3390/antiox10040528

* For scientific research only

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